How I Pack My Toddler Diaper Bag with JJ Cole!

JJ Cole

The diaper bag struggle is REAL for most moms!  And what kind of bag you need and more importantly what goes inside it changes as your child grows.   When you have a newborn baby there is SO much you need to pack-diapers galore, a change of clothes for the many blow outs {heck maybe even an extra top for mom}, nursing cover, butt cream, the kitchen sink…just kidding….sort of.   As kids grow older you need less and less in your diaper bag!  {Thank goodness!} I love the brand JJ Cole as their bags are fashionable, reasonably priced, and they have SO many features which are perfect for staying organized! On this blog post you will read about what I love to keep in my diaper bag for my toddler’s needs!


Here are some toddler MUST items in my JJ Cole diaper bag:

  • Diapers: 5-7 diapers for my son who isn’t potty trained
  • An extra pair of panties for my toddler girl in case of an accident
  • Wipes {You can never have too many!}
  • Snacks
  • Sippy Cups: I love Nuby’s Snack N’ Sip as it cuts down on items you need and doesn’t leak!
  • Blanket: either for keeping warm or sitting on at the park
  • Foaming Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer–can we say park germs?
  • Sunscreen
  • Toys/Play Packs: I LOVE these things!  You can pick them up at the dollar store or dollar section at Target.    They are perfect at keeping your little one busy when out to dinner.
  • Books: I like to keep a few small books that I usually pick up at the dollar store for keeping them occupied.
  • Tissues: running toddlers = runny noses
  • Band aides: for all those boo boos


I love that the lining of the JJ Cole diaper bag is colored!  It makes it so easy to find items inside.  Its also important to find a diaper bag that opens up wide like this one does.   I have another bag that does not open very well and it is so hard to find anything inside.


This morning we were off to take photos with the Easter bunny-I always like to go early and beat the crowds.   I love that this JJ Cole Diaper Bag-Caprice style in gray is in a neutral color and is great to match spring fashion!



I feel really excited that my life timeline of being a mom is the same timeline of fashion. Don’t you just love that MOM JEANS are back!  High waists are just in style to hide all my mommy imperfections.   The same thing with one piece bathing suits-but that’s a whole other post.

When picking a diaper bag, you want to make sure that it is versatile. I love that this JJ Cole Caprice bag has an arm strap, shoulder strap, and had hidden straps that you can attach that will make the bag fit perfectly on a stroller!


The front of the JJ Cole bag is perfect for mommy’s stuff-it even has a slot for your wallet, phone, and cards! I like that there is also a smaller pocket perfect to keep your keys.



I like that the JJ Cole Caprice diaper bag has two side pockets-perfect for drinks-and a large back pocket.   It also comes with a changing pad that can easily be wiped clean or washed.  This bag is also nice that it has SO much room!  You could probably stuff it with so many things.  I am such a minimalist so I only like to bring the essentials, but I will totally be using this bag as a carry on for our up coming family vacation.


Light weight enough to make my two year old carry some stuff!  Hey its mostly hers anyways right? Jk.

Here is where you can get your JJ Cole Diaper Bag perfect for spring! What is your favorite diaper bag item?


Your Redlocks and Shamrocks Girl,

Lisa Doyle

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JJ Cole